All the Things I Meant to Write, and a Nice Mini-Review of A Good and Perfect Gift

Here's a list of the blog posts I meant to write this week (the picture, by the way, is fun enough that I had hoped to come up with some creative something to say about it. I never got that far, so you just get the picture instead):

"What's wrong with my daughter? I'm no long ...

Hurricane Irene, 9/11, and the Meaning of a House

I have a new post on her.meneutics about the near-destruction of our family's summer cottages during Hurricane Irene. It begins:

For New York City, Hurricane Irene was largely a non-event, an unnecessary nuisance with unprecedented action. For me and my extended family, Hurricane ...
Why I Needed to Have Children . . .

I didn't really want kids for a long time. That's a story for another day, but I might as well admit it. I thought they would slow me down. I worried that I wouldn't be able to achieve my own goals. I thought I might not know what I was doing as a parent. And I was ...

Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Death

I have written before about the concept of a "wrongful" birth–the legal term used when a mother sues doctors after her child has been born with a disability that wasn't discovered in utero. The idea is that the mother would have aborted, given the proper medical information. ...

The Language of Inclusion, or Why I Love Our Children's Preschool

As a writer and former English major, I know that language matters. The way we talk about our world informs the way we experience our world. Language shapes reality. And so we are teaching our kids, for example, not to say "I hate that" (they learned hate from Cinderella, of ...

Down syndrome and Community

I have a new post on Bloom–Parenting Kids with Disabilities, "Friends in Need, Friends Indeed."

It begins:

I have 300 new friends. Well, not really. But last week, a woman who knows I write about having a child with Down syndrome sent me a Facebook message and a friend request. ...
Writing About our Not-so-Perfect Family

I received a very kind comment over the weekend. In response to my recent post, "Penny's First Day of Kindergarten," she wrote,

Wow, did she really tell you all about the funny man up on the stage? What did she say? Do people understand her when she speaks and does she really ...
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