Why I Let My Kids Play with PoisonI don’t want to subject my kids to needless danger but I do want to teach them and myself, that I can’t control every aspect of their lives.

We went to a graduation party a few weeks back. It was a lovely afternoon, with family and friends gathered to celebrate the graduate at her home. We brought all three kids with us, and we faced a decision. There was an open space with food and drink and tables, and then an ...

Jill's House: How One Girl’s Disability Is Transforming Hundreds of Lives by Cameron DoolittleJill’s House is the only facility in the United States that provides these amazing families of children with severe disabilities with a “rhythm of respite,” emphasizing long, overnight stays.

I have the privilege of serving as head of Jill's House, a miraculous ministry to families of children with severe intellectual disabilities.

Jill's House, located just outside of Washington, DC, is an overnight facility that provides long breaks to families who are weary of ...

One Change I Would Make to A Good and Perfect Gift (plus an interview and a giveaway)Every perfectionist knows that perfection (by any measure) isn’t possible, but the pretense of it is. A child with Down syndrome can’t pretend to be perfect. Penny’s presence in my life knocked the perfectionism out of me, which was incredibly jarring at first, but also incredibly freeing over time.

Meriah Nichols, who blogs at With a Little Moxie, recently posted a joint interview with George Estreich, author of The Shape of the Eye, and yours truly. She asked us both ten questions, including whether we would change anything about our books if we could. I answered:

There's ...
Do Your Abilities Determine Who You Are?Is your identity comprised of what you do? Or who you love?

Last month I had the privilege of speaking at the Bloorview Rehabilition Center up in Toronto. I spoke about the relationship between identity and ability. Here's a short clip from the talk:

Is your identity comprised of what you do? Or who you love?

Giving My Kids a Safe Place to FallMy goal is not to dictate what they believe or to think that if we do it right they will conform to our desires. I just want to lay out a net for them, in hopes that later in life, when they discover suffering or betrayal or heartache, they will have a safe place to fall.

I used to sing lullabies, and every night Marilee still hears "Close Your Eyes" or "Sleep My Child" when she goes to bed. Penny and William have graduated, of their own doing, and now they want me to sing "church songs." It started at Christmas, when we went through three months ...

What Matters to you during this Election?Especially if you are a parent, what issues matter most to you as the election approaches?

I'm excited to report that Parents.com has asked me to offer the perspective of a political moderate through a series of personal reflections on the upcoming Presidential election. Along with Sharon Lerner (the "liberal" voice) and Suzanne Venker (the "conservative"), I will ...

Articles of Interest: Eugenics, Prenatal Testing, Morality, and Prayer in the Everyday

They've done it again. Yes, scientists have accomplished something incredible. And yes, their discovery poses grave ethical concerns that probably won't be addressed sufficiently and as a result people may well get hurt and lives may well be lost. It seems to go this way. To ...

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