Summer Reading and A Good and Perfect Gift Book GiveawayWhat books are you reading this summer? (plus a chance to win a free copy of A Good and Perfect Gift)

In honor of summer, the Patheos Family Channel is giving away copies of books by its authors. Click here to leave a comment and be entered into a drawing to win a copy of A Good and Perfect Gift, and click here to see the full list of titles being given away.

I would recommend:

Seven Things I Learned from MovingSome thoughts on unpacking, loving our stuff, hating our stuff, and being grateful for our children in spite of our children...

If this blog has seemed a bit disjointed for the past few weeks, or if you have tried to email me and feel as though the response might never come, well, we've been moving. The process started months ago, when I started to spend my afternoon hours with William "organizing." ...

Good News for Fetuses with Down syndrome in Massachusetts?

As Bonnie Rochman reported for Healthland on last week:

Of the myriad things that can go awry with pregnancy, Down syndrome is perhaps the best known. In the past year, several new tests have become available to detect the condition prenatally, as early as 10 weeks of ...
Reflections from Jill's HouseJill’s House steps in to provide a weekly or monthly overnight break for parents, celebrating the children while renewing their families.

I shared a post last week describing Jill's House, a facility that provides "a rhythm of care" through respite services for children with special needs. Today Jennifer Reynolds, who works at Jill's House, shares some thoughts about her experience:

Every child we have served at ...

Why Obamacare Matters to Me

I mentioned a few weeks ago (What Matters to you During this Election?) that I would be blogging about issues related to the upcoming election for My first post is up, and it is a response to the Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold most of the Affordable Care ...

Grateful for Down Syndrome?I continue to believe that there is something about Down syndrome that is good, that prompts love and joy and laughter and brings people together.

It's not true across the board, but a remarkable number (dare I guess, a majority) of people who have children with Down syndrome seem to believe that their children are indeed special, in the positive sense of that word. Other parents say things like, "Our whole family has ...

On Love, Waiting for God, and What Makes Us HumanI hope that having Penny in my life has taught me first and foremost to see other people as gifts instead of products

I have an interview over at The Well, a "virtual gathering place for graduate and professional women," about A Good and Perfect Gift. I was grateful to Marcia Bosscher for her insightful questions which included:

In A Good and Perfect Gift you write, "It was as if having kids ...

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