Why Stuff MattersWe've been talking about this strange process of divvying up an estate, and whether or not material things should matter to us...

My husband's mother died nine years ago, and his grandfather died a few months ago. So he is headed back to New Orleans this week to sort through some of his grandparents' "stuff," alongside other family members. We've been talking about this strange process of divvying up an ...

My First Awards Ceremony...Books, film, and shows that affirm the highest values of the human spirit.

Last month I had the pleasure of attending my first awards ceremony ever: the 63rd Annual Christopher Awards in New York City. The Christopher's exist to celebrate media that affirms the highest values of the human spirit. Due to alphabetical bias (aka my last name is Becker), ...

Penny Finishes Kindergarten...my daughter has been included and accepted for who she is. She has grown in immeasurable ways because she has been loved and been able to love in return.

There she was, my little girl, standing in the front row, wearing a dress from my childhood and her patent leather pink party shoes, singing every word of the kindergarten concert. Wait–I should say–belting out every word of the kindergarten concert, performing every motion, ...

Down syndrome, prenatal testing, and abortion--it's complicated

Ross Douthat recently wrote a column about "Eugenics, Past and Future." He writes:

given our society's track record with prenatal testing for Down syndrome, we also have a pretty good idea of what individuals and couples will do with comprehensive information about their unborn ...
A Good and Perfect Gift for $2.99, and other book news

A Good and Perfect Gift has been selected by Amazon as one of 100 books offered for discount prices on Kindle during the month of June. It's available this month for $2.99–please spread the word! (If you don't have a Kindle or other e-reading device, or if you're like me and ...

Open Adoption, or My Daughter has Two Mothers by Jenni Levy

My daughter has two mothers.

My daughter also has two fathers, although only one is in her life.

I didn't know this at first. When Emma was placed with us at birth, I believed what I'd been told: that adoptive parents are the "real" parents. That love is enough. That as long as ...

Adoption was the Choice I Made by Anonymous

The other day my son was looking through a box in the closet that had old photos in it. He would grab each photo and ask me if that was him or his sister. At the bottom of the box he found a framed photo of me holding a newborn baby in my arms. He asked the same question. I didn't ...

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