A Good and Perfect Gift on Audible (and Other Fun News)

For those of you who prefer listening to books to reading them (or for your friends in this camp), you can now pre-order A Good and Perfect Gift as an Audiobook. It will be released next Tuesday. I haven't heard the whole recording yet, but I listened to the sample and she did ...

A Trip to the Zoo, or Why Inclusion MattersWe went to the zoo. It was a simple, lovely day (only made possible by Penny's inclusion in a regular first grade classroom).

A few weeks ago, I accompanied Penny's class on a field trip to the zoo. We piled onto the school bus with its high-backed seats and bumpy ride and we cracked the windows to let some cool air flow in. I was responsible for Penny and two other little girls as we strolled the ...

A Day in the Life of Penny Becker (or One Way to Help Women with a Prenatal Diagnosis of Down syndrome)A day in the life of Penny Becker, or why you should buy something from Sevenly this week.

Let me just share our day today as an example of life for a family with a child with Down syndrome. I awoke to all three kids at 7:30 (we're on vacation). Penny stood at the side of the bed, glasses askew, hair poking up, lips puckered for a kiss. She spent the following hour ...

Three Tips for a Healthy MarriageThree practical, weekly things we do to keep our marriage as healthy as possible...

We celebrated our fourteenth anniversary a few weeks ago. Peter took me out to a lovely dinner. We each drank a glass of champagne and toasted the gift of this relationship. We talked about the surprises of the past decade or so, and we spent some time thinking about what we've ...

Tweets This Week

For your reading pleasure this weekend:

 "What Happens to #Women Who Are Denied #Abortions?" http://ow.ly/m19Xi @nytimes #TurnAways

"My #LifeIsForeverChanged because of one night, one decision and one monumental lack of understanding." http://ow.ly/m41NO@emmasaylor

"My brother ...

My Dreams for Penny, and Other TopicsTalking with George Estreich about family and education and what dreams we have for Penny and what dreams she has for herself.

Today's post includes my final installment of answers to George Estreich's questions. These center around family and education. And I'll mention here that the drawing to win a free copy of George's memoir, The Shape of the Eye, will happen on Friday, so comment on my interview ...

Why Bother to Write About Prenatal Testing?

A continuation of my conversation with George Estreich:

George Estreich: In both your book and on your blog, I've been struck by your wish to take on difficult subjects relating to Down syndrome, prenatal diagnosis and abortion among them. A few questions:

–Can you talk ...

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