What Trayvon Martin and Ethan Saylor Have in CommonTrayvon Martin and Ethan Saylor are both young men who died a tragic death. Why don't we know more about what happened with Saylor?

Trayvon Martin was an African-American. He was walking home from the 7-11. George Zimmerman thought he posed a threat, and he ended up shooting him dead. Zimmerman claims he shot Martin in self-defense. He was acquitted of both second-degree murder and manslaughter charges. At ...

What I'm Tweeting

Interesting articles from the past week:

Church flooded with calls to adopt baby with #downsyndrome who would have been aborted: http://abcn.ws/1aimhgO

Find out why #women are key to America's#prosperity #WarrenBuffet ow.ly/mB40F@CNNMoney

 "#LearningToLove Your Sinful Neighbor"ow.ly/mB4TG#LiveLikeChrist ...

Do You Listen to Audiobooks? (If so, A Good and Perfect Gift is now available...)A Good and Perfect Gift joins the trend by becoming an audiobook...

My first book on tape was Tom Sawyer. My dad and I listened to it on cassette tape one summer when we drove from North Carolina to Connecticut together. It was a treat, and apparently I paid attention because I still remember the story in detail.

Still, audiobooks were never ...

Getting to Know My DaughterHow a double ear infection and six doctor's visits became an answer to prayer...

Earlier this spring, I set my alarm for 6:00 so I could make a cup of tea and sit in our dining room and read and pray and spend some time with God. I began to jot a few prayer requests down in my journal. They began: "For help paying attention to Marilee. I worry that she gets ...

Reading Our Humanity: Karen Swallow Prior RespondsKaren Swallow Prior responds to my concerns about her essay for The Atlantic regarding reading, intelligence, and what makes us human.

Yesterday, I wrote about my concerns with the idea that "reading makes us more human." Today, my friend and colleague Karen Swallow Prior, who wrote a post for the Atlantic (How Reading Makes Us More Human) about this topic, responds to my concerns:

AJ: I resonate with your point ...

Reading Our Humanity: Some Thoughts on Intelligence, Disability, and What Makes Us HumanDoes reading enhance our humanity? Why I agree, and why the idea concerns me...

I love reading. I've always loved reading. My mom says I taught myself to read, as if language fell out of the sky and into my head in the form of the English alphabet. I devoured books as a kid, priding myself on reading chapter books from beginning to end more than once, challenging ...

Abortion, the Cult of Youth, and Networks of Care (What I'm Tweeting)

We were on vacation last week, so I missed my weekly tweeting post, but I want to recommend the following articles:

"We made sure our son was not born only to suffer" ow.ly/mlewd "My #Abortion, at 23 Weeks" @nytimes #Pregnancy#PrenatalTesting

A woman's refusal to dye her gray hair ...

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