Why I WriteOn why I write, the authors who mean the most to me, and why stories matter.

Last week, I posted two series of questions for George Estreich, author of The Shape of the Eye (A Doorway to New Life and Questions for George Estreich). Not only did George craft thoughtful answers to my questions, but he also returned with a series of his own questions about ...

Don't You Care If We Drown?In the midst of a raging storm, "The disciples wanted Jesus to pitch in, to do his part in solving the crisis. But Jesus had other things in mind altogether." It's true in my life as well.

A few years ago, I came to a totally new understanding of a passage from the Bible in Mark 4 when Jesus falls asleep in a boat and his disciples wake him up when a storm comes. I wrote about it then, but it has been reposted on Not-Alone.org (a site I recommend for anyone who ...

Tweets This Week: Disability, Muslim Abortion, Inclusion, and the Only and the Lonely

So my plan going forward is to offer a post every Friday that includes articles I've tweeted this week. I know I did this on Tuesday of this week, but from now on, Fridays are the plan. As it happens, this week I also had an interview on WordFM. Here's the corresponding tweet ...

What Prenatal Testing Has to Do with the Church (and Other Religious Communities)"Even though I was an active member of our local church, it hadn’t crossed my mind to discuss the prospect of testing with anyone there. I saw prenatal testing as a routine medical aspect of pregnancy rather than a series of decisions that require wisdom and humility and bring up questions about suffering and goodness and meaning."

I have a new essay on the Washington Post's "On Faith" blog. It begins:

Every pregnant woman has decisions to make about prenatal genetic testing, and it's not as simple as sticking out your arm for a blood draw.

According to the American Congress of ...

Do Medical Textbooks Intentionally Offer Outdated Descriptions of Down Syndrome? and Other Questions for George Estreich"Medicine is part of culture, and so culture, good and bad, is refracted through medicine." George Estreich on medical ethics, culture, and inclusion, among other things.

Yesterday I began a conversation with George Estreich, author of The Shape of the Eye, about writing and family and Down syndrome. Today, the interview continues as George writes about medical ethics, culture, and inclusion, among other things:

When I wrote A Good and Perfect ...

"A Doorway to a New Life": A Conversation with George Estreich About Down Syndrome, Writing, and the Stories that Make a FamilyIs Down syndrome "bad" or "hard"? George Estreich reflects on writing, family, and life with his daughter Laura.

As I wrote earlier this week, George Estreich's The Shape of the Eye is a lovely memoir of a father who is telling and retelling the story of his family after his second daughter Laura has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. Yes, this book will be of interest to parents of ...

Worth ReadingA smattering of articles worth reading

I read a lot, and I often read articles I'd like to comment upon but then I just don't get a chance. So I've started tweeting things I read that might be of interest to my followers (if you're on Twitter, you can follow me @amyjuliabecker), and I figured you all might be interested ...

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