Remembering Newtown and Singing Jingle BellsThe anniversary of the Newtown shooting will always coincide with Advent, with the mournful, expectant waiting for Jesus' arrival. As it should be--a recognition of this in-between space, in which the glimmer of hope breaks into the darkness, and yet the darkness still sometimes seems to be ever-present.

Nearly a year ago, I went out to lunch with a friend. When I returned I learned that a gunman had attacked a school down the road. We all know the horrific story now, and a year later, though the emotions aren't as raw, I'm also not sure that anything that went terribly awry ...

Help from the ElfWhy I oppose the elf on a shelf, and why I was grateful for him this week.

I'm so not an Elf on the Shelf person.

a) it takes me until mid-December to realize that Christmas is coming (thus the elf only arrived at our house two days ago when my husband remembered his existence).

b) I don't do anything crafty or cute or fun or creative with my kids in ...

Looking for Spiritual Encouragement?

I'm a technophobe. In fact, my husband and I suspect that I might be technologically cursed. (Things like little Mac symbols we didn't know still existed–anyone remember the image of a bomb? I still get those . . . or devices shutting down automatically in my presence . . . ...

Happy Tears: Why I Believe in My DaughterWhat would you do if you heard your daughter had run away, hurt a toddler, and scribbled on the wall of the nursery?

I kneel down. Penny and William are both in front of me on the couch. Both look a little puzzled by my tears. I clasp their hands. "Happy tears. Happy tears," I say.


It is Saturday night. A few hours before my happy tears, Peter and I are sitting in church for a special service ...

Speaking WomenIf you were compiling a list of 101 Christian women speakers, who would be at the top of your list?

I was surprised to see yesterday that my name showed up a list of 101 Christian Women Speakers compiled by Rachel Held Evans. Surprised and, let's be honest, grateful and flattered and a little bit relieved too. And again, in the name of honesty, I am drawing your attention ...

What I'm Tweeting

A few articles from this week that you might enjoy:

A modern image of the typical#AmericanFamily far from Norman Rockwell's#Thanksgiving portrait #Diversity @angier58

"Should Able-Bodied People Ever Use a#Handicapped Bathroom Stall?" @EllenPDollar ...

Favorite Books of 2013What were your favorite books of 2013?

Books lists are coming out. The New York Times has announced their editors' favorites. President Obama has been shopping for books. I'm on my way to the bookstore later this afternoon, with a list that includes The Boxcar Children, Pippi Longstocking, and the first in the Ivy ...

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