The Goodness of Glitz at Christmastime"Hey guys, what do you feel like when it is dark?" "I can't see," William said. "Frightened," said Penny...

We started our Advent calendars on Sunday. Penny read the opening poem from our devotion/sticker Advent book:

There is a star in Bethlehem, bright shining as the sun,Announcing that the Light of God shines here for everyone.Let's look upon the star this year, as God wants us ...
Where Abortion and Human Rights Meet: an interview with Bob Fu about China's one-child policy"Forced abortion means it is never a 'choice' for women in China," says activist Bob Fu, author of God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom in an interview about the government's one-child policy.

I appreciated Bob Fu's story, as recounted in God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom, for a number of reasons, including the glimpse at recent Chinese history and the story of an unlikely conversion to Christianity. But I was most struck ...

Are you Ready for Advent? (Plus What I'm Reading)Advent is right around the corner. Here are my number one suggestions for adult and kid participation in the season.

Every year, Peter and I pull out our very favorite Advent book: God With Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Christmas. (Here's what I wrote last year, when I recommended it.) If you'd like the opportunity to prepare your heart to celebrate the incarnation, this book ...

A Broken Bracelet, a Wise Little GirlHow would you respond if a bracelet broke by accident? Here's what I learned from Penny.

Somewhat spontaneously, we decided to go through Penny's memory box tonight. She spied it upon her dresser and brought it to the sofa in their room. She and Wiliam both decided that viewing its contents trumped reading the final chapter of Prince Caspian. So we leafed through ...

Talking Taboo: An Interview with Enuma Okoro and Erin Lane About Women, Faith, and Hot TopicsWhat "taboo" (which means off-limits but also means sacred) question or issue would you want to see addressed (whether you are a man or a woman) when it comes to talking about faith?

I mentioned a few weeks back that I had the opportunity to contribute an essay about male and female roles within marriage for the new book Talking Taboo: American Christian Women Get Frank About Faith (see my post Should Men Be the Head of the Household? for the beginning of ...

A One-Word PrayerWhat is one word that sums up your needs and hopes right now?

"What's one word or verse I can pray for you?"

Those were the words from a friend I received earlier this week.

One word, or one verse, that sums up my needs before God right now. In this season. This season in which God is beginning to feel quite near quite often, for the first ...

What's Up with the New York Times' Ethicist Using the R-Word as an Insult? Or, Why the Intelligentsia Still Thinks It's Okay to Make Fun of People with Intellectual DisabilitiesWhat do writers for the New Yorker, the New York Times, and Time Magazine have in common? Thinking the r-word is a funny joke.

Last week, Kari Wagner-Peck wrote, in an open letter to Chuck Klosterman, the New York Times' ethicist:

Today people with cognitive disabilities and their allies are asking members of society to refrain from using the word "retarded" (along with all mutations of the word) for ...
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