What Are Your Anchors?It took a 5:45 workout to get me back into decent physical shape. And it made me think about what I need to hold me in a place of spiritual health too.

I started going to boot camp last April. I don't really know what got into me. Perhaps I was overwhelmed by the five or so pounds I had gained over the winter. Or inspired by the women I knew who went there and felt better and got stronger and enjoyed their time together. ...

What's Your Favorite Spiritual Memoir? (and other reading notes)

Some book and article notes in a sec, but first: What's your favorite spiritual memoir? I'm looking for a good one. I've enjoyed Mary Karr, Anne Lamott, Martha Beck, and Kate Braestrup, to give you a sense of what I like. Any other favorites out there?

On the bedside table: I ...

I Want to Be a Lover, But I Also Want the Special Seat...What kind of hypocrite am I to go from prayer to yelling at my children in approximately ninety seconds?

Getting into the car this morning looked something like this:

"Mom! William won't let me sit in the special seat!" Penny yells, eyes wide with shock at the injustice of it all. Penny sat in the special seat yesterday. She knows it is William's turn.

William runs past her, and ...

Why I'm Grateful for FeminismBlogger Samantha Field took me to task last week on "throwing feminism under the bus." Here's my response.

I wrote about paternity leave last week for her.meneutics, and I tried to make three points in that essay: that paternity leave is good for families, that we should thank feminism for the advances towards paternity leave, and that the church has an opportunity, through proactive ...

What I'm Tweeting

No new books for me this week, but here are the articles I tweeted this week that you might enjoy:


"If This #Sochi Ad Doesn't Make You Tear Up, Then Check Your Pulse" http://ow.ly/so1u9 #parenting #success http://ow.ly/i/4euvC

MTV's ‘16 and Pregnant' helping to reduce #TeenPreganancies?ow.ly/szeaD #pregnancy #TeenMom @AnnieLowrey @nytimes

My "Successful" Bumbling Writing JourneySome thoughts on how I got from there to here, with thanks.

I am reading a wonderful manuscript of a book that I hope will find a publisher one day. It's a memoir that includes a child with a disability and a spiritual journey and many hopes and fears and dreams and some very lovely writing. Despite its many strengths, it may well be ...

Why We Need Paternity LeaveHaving Dad take time off makes for a more balanced family life

This morning, I left the house early to work out. My husband Peter arose with the kids—Penny, age 8, William, 5, and Marilee, almost 3. I returned to find them in various forms of protest, insisting I make their breakfast even though their dad is equally capable of slicing banana ...

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