I Don't Love Valentine's Day, and That's OkayThree kids plus a not-so-crafty Mom plus 50 classmates equals a lot of work, and a little lesson about love.
I Don't Love Valentine's Day, and That's Okay

Last week I received two memos about Valentine's Day. One from William's teacher (in his class of 17 students) in which she requested that we send in our valentines--one for each student in the class--on Monday (today) so that they could appreciate them throughout ...

The Best Book About Writing Ever and other great reads this week

I'm not sure if it's really the best ever, but I am LOVING Ann Patchett's This is the Story of a Happy Marriage. The title is deceptive, as at least so far I've just heard (I'm listening on audiobook) Patchett's series of essays about the craft and ...

My Questions About the Ethics of Embryo SelectionWhat should parents do when their children run the risk of inheriting painful fatal diseases?
My Questions About the Ethics of Embryo Selection

It sounds pretty basic. A lovely young couple wants children, and they want those children to prosper and grow. They want to do as much as they reasonably can to ensure that those children have good, full lives. Happy lives. Lives that are as free from suffering and pain ...

7 Thoughts on How to Survive Another Snow Day (and maybe even enjoy it)
7 Thoughts on How to Survive Another Snow Day

1. If even a hint of snow is expected, turn off the ringer on your phone the night before. You do not need to know at 5:02 a.m. that your children will be home all day. You need to keep sleeping. They need to keep sleeping.

2. When you wake up and discover that although ...

Politics, Down Syndrome, and What I'm ReadingArticles worth reading about missionaries, money, embryo selection, and more...

I have a new post at her.meneutics about politics and Down syndrome, with specific reference to Cathy McMorris Rodgers' response to President Obama's State of the Union address earlier this week. It begins:

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers's response to the president's ...

Did I Come Home in a Box?Happy Birthday Marilee, and thank you for the reminder that life is a gift.
Did I Come Home in a Box?

It is Marilee's third birthday today. We will celebrate with pink cupcakes and make-your-own-pizza night and gifts and singing.

A few weeks ago, we were telling her about the day she was born. It was in the midst of a very snowy winter, and we drove home in the midst ...

Peeking Into the WombMy new post for her.meneutics about the purpose of ultrasounds in the modern age.

When I was 20 weeks pregnant with our first child, I chatted with a friend about our upcoming ultrasound. "We find out whether we're having a boy or a girl tomorrow," I said.

She nodded with a slight smile, and responded, "And you find out if your baby ...

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