Why Does Our Culture Celebrate Down Syndrome?Why, at a time when more and more fetuses with Down syndrome are aborted, are we celebrating the lives of the children and adults growing up in our midst?

In an article for the Catholic World Report, Leslie Fain writes:

In the last two or three years, at high schools from Florida to Illinois, students have been forsaking quarterbacks and cheerleading captains and electing teenagers with Down syndrome to be homecoming kings and ...
What I'm Reading and TweetingWhat's the most interesting thing you've read this week?

A few nights back, we thought all the kids were asleep, only to discover Penny under our covers, reading Love and Salt: A Spiritual Friendship through Letters, written back and forth over the years by Amy Andrews and Jessica Griffith. "This is a cool book," she told me. And ...

What Being a Parent Has Taught Me About GodAn ad for the Olympics, family devotions, and parental mistakes have all brought me closer to understanding God's love for us.

We usually have a time for "family devotions" (or bevotions, as Marilee likes to call them) on Saturday mornings. But we missed that time of prayer and singing and Bible reading as a family last weekend, so our kids suggested we convene last night. We've taken ...

My New Year's Epiphany"What makes you anxious? Where is God in that anxiety? How could your anxiety be transformed into peace?"

Coming back into this week, making the transition from parties and lazy mornings and finishing up my book and letting the mail and email pile up, I panicked. Peter and I ended the vacation with two days away together, and on Saturday night I surveyed the state of my desk and ...

Book Update and What I'm Reading and TweetingI've submitted my manuscript of Small Talk (hooray!) and here are some books and articles about faith and disability that might be of interest...

First of all, could someone please remind me that I should never try to submit a manuscript for a new book on January 3? I'm pretty sure my deadline for A Good and Perfect Gift was December 30th, 2010, and then I went and agreed to submit Small Talk today. The bad news is I ...

Favorite Family Posts of 2013My five favorite posts based upon life in our household in 2013

As I look back on 2013, I am struck by how far we have come as a family. So to end the year, here are my favorite posts about our family (interspersed with some of my favorite photos) from the year:

What Penny's Birthday and Epiphany Taught Me About Who We All Are "I look forward ...

Favorite Guest Posts of 2013Seven posts from 2013 written by others for my blog, all related to Down syndrome.

It's Penny's birthday today, and I'm sure I will have some thoughts about her to share soon, but for now, in her honor, here are seven guest posts written for this blog in 2013, all related in some way to Down syndrome:

Life with Down Syndrome in Zambia  An interview with a mother ...

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