Anticipating World Down Syndrome Day: What I Admire About My DaughterHow Penny is helping me learn the secret of being content
Anticipating World Down Syndrome Day: What I Admire About My Daughter

When Penny was diagnosed with Down syndrome at birth, I was sad and scared. The sadness and the sorrow dissipated with time, replaced by joy and hope. One of the reasons I began to have joy and hope for this baby I loved was because I began to believe that she wasn't ...

Weekly Roundup 3.14.14Two stories--one sad, one hopeful-- of disability, plus faith and culture
Weekly Roundup 3.14.14

If you only have time to check out two articles this week, I highly recommend the first two--both related to disability. One is the hard and sad story of men with intelletual disabilities who were virtually enslaved by a turkey processing company. The other is a delightful ...

Want Some Rules for Spending Money?I'm glad the dos and don'ts don't work after all
Want Some Rules for Spending Money?

A few years back, I was talking with a Christian friend about what spiritual principles we should invoke when we think about spending money. "I just wish there was a formula," she said. "I wish I had some dos and don'ts every time I walked into Target." ...

Lenten Reflections: Confessing the Small ThingsWhy I'm sorry I bought that dress
Lenten Reflections: Confessing the Small Things

I am packing to go on a short vacation with my husband. I have been thinking about this time away all winter—three nights for just the two of us in Florida when I join him on the end of a business trip. Three days of sunshine. Three days of walks on the beach and calling ...

Sinless Down Syndrome Angels? Or Something Else?A Perfectly Human guest post by author Margot Starbuck
Sinless Down Syndrome Angels? Or Something Else?

Peeking out from my living room window, I see one of my sons chucking a snowball at a neighbor who has Down Syndrome.

This could be disconcerting for some moms, I know, but not this one.

It's February in North Carolina and, after a rare snowfall, the friendliest snowball ...

Why Ending the R-Word Isn't EnoughSpread the attitude to change the attitude
Why Ending the R-Word Isn't Enough

A few weeks ago, Jerry Seinfeld appeared on The Tonight Show. His five-minute comedy set included a joke comparing inept postal workers to the "mentally handicapped." (See Mark Leach's gracious post about this incident for more information and analysis of it.) ...

Weekly Roundup 3.7.14genetically-modified babies, prenatal testing, the presence of God, and more...
Weekly Roundup 3.7.14

I've been in bed with what has turned out to be a sinus infection for most of this week, which leads to a somewhat fuzzy brain and lots of time for skimming articles. So here are a few you might enjoy:


"We cannot attain the presence of God because we're ...

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