Perfectly Human: Reflections on Disability and the Good LifeIntroducing a weekly series
Perfectly Human: Reflections on Disability and the Good Life
Chris Cappozziello

Soon after our daughter Penny was born and diagnosed with Down syndrome, I started to ask questions about the spiritual implications of her disability. To give a glimpse of some of the questions I was asking, here's an excerpt from our time in the hospital, as related ...

Lenten Reflections: Repent and Get on with itWhat my children's cheating taught me about sin and the kingdom of God
Lenten Reflections: Repent and Get on with it

A few weeks back, I was stuck inside with all three kids on yet another snow day. All of them wanted to be entertained. None of them wanted to play the same game. In an attempt to avoid a battle and to push off yet another hour of screen time, I agreed to play three games ...

What My Daughter Wants You To Know About Prenatal TestingYou don't need to worry.
What My Daughter Wants You To Know About Prenatal Testing
Chris Cappozziello

At 5:00, my oldest daughter Penny finds me in bed. Cough drop wrappers, a used tea bag, and Dayquil packets surround me. "Come on up, sweetie," I say, and she climbs in next to me.

She has brought her spelling book. Her second grade assignment this week involves ...

Weekly Roundup 2.28.14 and Three Books to Read During LentFaith, Family, Disability, and what to read until Easter
Weekly Roundup 2.28.14 and Three Books to Read During Lent

I wrote A Defense of Lent earlier this week, and I promised to offer a few books to consider this Lenten season.

1. Love and Salt: A Spiritual Friendship in Letters (Loyola Press) began as two friends committed to write each other letters throughout the season of Lent. ...

What House of Cards, Breaking Bad, and Mad Men Get Right (and what they don't get)Our belovedness is more true than our sinfulness
What House of Cards, Breaking Bad, and Mad Men Get Right (and what they don't get)

Alessandra Stanley of the New York Times describes Netflix's House of Cards "the most joyless show on television." My husband and I have settled right in. I'm intrigued by the storyline—a powerful Congressman (Kevin Spacey) who becomes Vice President ...

In Defense of LentFive reasons to fast and feast until Easter arrives
In Defense of Lent
Pimlico Badger, flickr

I used to feel some measure of disdain towards people who observed Lent, the religious season that begins next Wednesday and continues for forty days until Easter. For those who gave up candy or cheese, I figured it was just a religious excuse for a diet. For those who began ...

Holy DespondencyWhat my season of loneliness taught me about my identity in Christ
Holy Despondency

A year ago, about six months after our move to Connecticut, loneliness pressed down on my torso as if I had donned a vest padded with weights. It came as a result of a series of conversations in which every person I talked to referred to me as a wife or a mother. I am both ...

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