Lent: Does God Really Care About My Diet Plan?Lent helps me join Jesus in erasing the line between sacred and secular.
Lent: Does God Really Care About My Diet Plan?

I had a roommate in college who went out (to a party, that is) four nights a week. If she returned to our room at all, it was usually long after I had gone to bed. Much as I enjoyed her company, I saw us as very different. I was organized and well-behaved. She was wild and ...

Perfectly Human: How a Little Girl with Cerebral Palsy Shared Her GiftsDisability couldn't limit her love. A guest post by Meadow Rue Merrill
Perfectly Human: How a Little Girl with Cerebral Palsy Shared Her Gifts

A few years back, I read a beautiful and heart-wrenching article in the Boston Globe about a family who had adopted a child from Uganda named Ruth. I reached out to the author, Meadow Rue Merrill, and an online friendship budded in time. Since then, I've had the privilege ...

Kids Glued to Smart Phones? Wonder Where They Learned That...Parents need consider our own screen time before we worry about our kids'
Kids Glued to Smart Phones? Wonder Where They Learned That...
Sisters-Screen Time by JeremyOK

I left our pediatrician's office feeling somewhat self-satisfied. The doctor had asked for a report on my three-year old daughter Marilee's use of iPads, iPhones, and television. She came in under the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for hours of screen ...

Weekly Roundup 3.21.14World Down Syndrome Day, atheism, children's books and more
Weekly Roundup 3.21.14

The big news of the week in my world is World Down Syndrome Day, celebrated today because the technical name for Down syndrome is Trisomy 21. Trisomy means three-chromosomes. People with Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the typical pair. Thus, 3-21. ...

What We Celebrate on World Down Syndrome DayAnd how you can help us tell, and live, the good stories
What We Celebrate on World Down Syndrome Day

Every week, I read heartwarming stories about Down syndrome: homecoming kings and queens, young men and women going to college, starting businesses, becoming models and actors, running marathons. And every week, I read horror stories about Down syndrome: rape that only becomes ...

The Best Parenting Advice I Ever ReceivedSmile. A lot.
The Best Parenting Advice I Ever Received
Chris Cappoziello

People sometimes ask me what I've "done right" with Penny. They ask because Penny reads and goes to ballet class and practices piano and orders her own meal when we eat at a restaurant. They ask because she is "high functioning." I suspect many people ...

Perfectly Human: Reflections on Seven Years with my Daughter with Down syndromeWhy one mother now prays for strength and weakness
Perfectly Human: Reflections on Seven Years with my Daughter with Down syndrome

It's a bright Sunday afternoon at the park. My youngest daughter Evangeline giggles in an adaptive swing while her dad dutifully pushes her back and forth. We adopted Evangeline, who has Down syndrome and autism, from Ukraine. Elaina and Zoya, our two older girls, with ...

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