Enough Time to Pray, Even as a Mother: An Interview with Micha BoyettThe author of Found talks about prayer, parenting, and grace
Enough Time to Pray, Even as a Mother: An Interview with Micha Boyett

I first happened upon Micha Boyett's blog, then called The Mama Monk, a few years ago. A young mother trying to figure out how to reimagine her life as a Christian now that she had small children and housework rather than "official ministry" to do, a young mother ...

Fun Book News and Weekly Roundup 4.3.14News about my new book, plus some great articles about faith, family, and disability
Fun Book News and Weekly Roundup 4.3.14

On Monday of this past week I hit "send" and submitted the final final final draft of my manuscript for my next book, Small Talk: Learning from my Children about What Matters Most. It's a book filled with thoughts and questions that my children have asked or ...

In Defense of Helicopter ParentingI wouldn't go back to an earlier era of parenting even if I could.
In Defense of Helicopter Parenting
stephanski Flickr

I think of myself as a rather laissez faire parent. I believe in germs and dirt. My kids, including my three-year old, go outside and play without my immediate supervision. When they fall down, I wait to make sure they are really truly hurt before I comfort them (like when ...

Why Pope Francis is Right About ConfessionI'm not planning to become Catholic, but I am grateful for the Pope's example
Why Pope Francis is Right About Confession

Last Friday, Pope Francis broke with tradition when he knelt down at a confessional in public view and gave his confession to an ordinary priest. Typically the Pope confesses in private, but after preaching a sermon in which he talked about our common sinfulness, he also ...

Perfectly Human: What Is Ministry Success When a Child Dies?Ministering to children with special needs in Zambia. A guest post by Beth Bailey
Perfectly Human: What Is Ministry Success When a Child Dies?

It had been more than a year since we last buried a child. And though we all knew it would eventually happen again, it felt like an especially hard blow. When the time came, Special Hope Network had existed in Lusaka, Zambia, for close to four years and we had been serving ...

Disney's Frozen: Not About Letting It Go After AllIt's about a princess who refuses to let go, out of love.
Disney's Frozen: Not About Letting It Go After All

Peter and I took Penny and William, our two older kids, to see Frozen in the theater in January. I was nearly as excited as the children. I had read the endless praise, including the writer who called it the best Disney movie since The Lion King (which I saw four times in ...

Weekly Roundup 3.28.14 What to read this weekend: articles on faith, Down syndrome, and cohabitation
Weekly Roundup 3.28.14

In case you haven't noticed, every week on Friday I offer a list of blogposts and articles you might enjoy over the weekend on the topics I try to cover on this blog--faith, family, disability, and culture.


Andrea Palpant Dilley shares her personal faith experience ...

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