The Song Jesus Sang on the CrossJesus' final words communicated both despair and hope
The Song Jesus Sang on the Cross

Just before Jesus died, according to Matthew and Mark, he cried out in a loud voice, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" It's a question that has rung out ever since, as Jesus' followers continue to wonder exactly why he uttered this "cry of ...

A Doctor Faces His Own SufferingHow one man found joy in the midst of debilitating physical pain
A Doctor Faces His Own Suffering

So much pain. I was at what should have been the prime of life. Med school finished, internship and residency done. Two kids and a wonderful wife at home. But there was so much pain.

I was a rheumatologist practicing in Roanoke, Virginia when I began to have discomfort ...

How Christians Should Talk About Sex What Rolling Stone and Paul have taught me.
How Christians Should Talk About Sex
Valeria C Preisler/Flickr

I'm starting to feel like an old lady. I shook my head at Miley Cyrus at the MTV Music Awards and at Beyonce's performance for the 2013 Super Bowl halftime show. I went out for a drink with friends on my 37th birthday, and we talked for an hour about how to protect ...

Weekly Roundup 4.11.14My favorite talk at the Festival of Faith and Writing (so far) and a few articles to read.
Weekly Roundup 4.11.14

I'm in Grand Rapids at the Festival of Faith and Writing as I write, and my head is swimming with new books to read and new ideas to consider, and that's only after hearing four speakers/panels on the first day. But it strikes me that I ought to talk about books today ...

God Loves Rich People TooChristians need to adopt Jesus' attitude toward the one percent
God Loves Rich People Too

It's been six years since the beginning of the Great Recession. Six years of conversations about unemployment, underemployment, mortgage-backed securities, and millions of Americans who have seen their fortunes fall. Six years of bemoaning Wall Street. Six years of reports ...

What Happens When we Turn (For Real) To GodThis Lent, I've learned again that He runs to meet us and welcome us home
What Happens When we Turn (For Real) To God
archer10 (Dennis)/Flickr

Repent sounds like such a religious word, like street preachers shouting, like moralists wagging fingers. But I learned a long time ago that the literal translation of "repent" is to turn around. "Hey, buddy, you're headed in the wrong direction"—that ...

Including People with Disabilities In Your ChurchWe all miss out without the whole body of Christ
Including People with Disabilities In Your Church

"If people in your community are going to Wal-Mart in their wheelchairs but not coming to your church, a lot of times the church community calls them shut-ins. They're not shut-ins; they're just shut out of the church" (Ned Stoller (cited in Making Churches ...

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