Confessing My RacismHow forgiveness could transform us all. A Guest post by Anna Broadway.
Confessing My Racism

How can Christians seek racial reconciliation, justice and healing? Attempting to answer that question means reckoning with racism. But as a member of the ethnic group that has enjoyed disproportionate power and privilege because of systemic and other forms of racism, attempting ...

In Christ, There Are No Racial StereotypesA call for evangelical leadership in racial reconciliation. A guest post by Michael McBride
In Christ, There Are No Racial Stereotypes

I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. Like the bodiless heads you see sometimes in circus sideshows, it is as though I have been surrounded by mirrors of hard, distorting glass. When they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves or ...

Why I Stayed in a Predominantly White ChurchSacrificing comfort, gaining unity. A guest post by Trillia Newbell.
Why I Stayed in a Predominantly White Church

I became a Christian at the age of 22, by way of someone I never would have expected. It was the summer of 1998, four years prior to me submitting my life to the Lord. I was leading a private camp and awaiting the arrival of my assistant. She bounced in with her blonde ponytail, ...

Model Minorities: Welcome to the ChurchBut stay away from our daughters. A guest post by Romesh Wijesooriaya
Model Minorities: Welcome to the Church
picture dustin/flickr

"Romesh, sorry, we can't 'go together' anymore, my mom says I'm not allowed." --my first girlfriend in 6th grade, who was part of a white evangelical family.

"Romesh, we are not allowed to date, the Bible says that interracial dating is a ...

Introducing My Blog Series on RaceA dozen women and men have contributed essays related to racial reconciliation in the evangelical church.
Introducing My Blog Series on Race

I will never forget sitting at the dinner table with a group of college friends when one of them, a white young man I didn't know all that well, made a disparaging remark about taking a "big black girl" to an upcoming formal dance. I didn't laugh along with ...

Are 90 Percent of Babies Diagnosed with Down Syndrome Really Aborted?Dispelling the myths about Down syndrome, and telling the good story.
Are 90 Percent of Babies Diagnosed with Down Syndrome Really Aborted?

My husband Peter and I were walking on the beach the other day. Even though she was far away, with her back to us and her body halfway submerged in water, we knew. She turned around and her face assured us. She had Down syndrome, just like our daughter Penny. We were away ...

The New Catholic Novelist You Need to ReadAn interview with Christopher Beha about his latest novel.
The New Catholic Novelist You Need to Read

I've been aware of Christopher Beha's writing for a few years now. I still sometimes find myself thinking about his coming-of-age novel What Happened to Sophie Wilder, and just this summer I raced through his memoir about reading the Harvard Classics, The Whole Five ...

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