Scientists Agree: Sex, Money, and Power Don't Make Us HappyJesus told us this a long time ago.
Scientists Agree: Sex, Money, and Power Don't Make Us Happy
Dustin Quasar/Flickr

For anyone who lives in New England, the weather this summer has been lovely. The app on my phone keeps predicting relatively low humidity, sunshine, a slight breeze and a chance of a thunderstorm overnight to keep the grass growing and the temperatures lower than usual.

On ...

Thirteen Books For Kids With African American CharactersRecommendations from parents, teachers, and librarians for kids ages 3 through 12.
Thirteen Books For Kids With African American Characters

Yesterday I wrote about my ongoing search for chapter books for my kids with African American protagonists. I have only just begun to look, so I cannot personally recommend all the books on this list. But from asking other parents, librarians, and teachers, here are a few books ...

Searching for African American ProtagonistsWhy I want my kids to read about lives that seem different from theirs.
Searching for African American Protagonists
Mike Mantin/Flickr

We've been reading chapter books with our two older kids—Penny, now 8, and William, nearly 6—for a few years now. We generally stick to the classics: Winnie the Pooh, Charlotte's Web, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Little House on the Prairie, ...

Don't Worry, Be Happy—According to JesusRemembering the reason and way to let go of our worries.
Don't Worry, Be Happy—According to Jesus

Recently, I was reading the Bible and thinking about Bob Marley. In the parable of the four soils, Jesus describes worry as one of the things that thwarts our spiritual growth (the other thing he cites as a problem is pleasure, which is a post for another day). A few chapters ...

Four Questions I Have About Transgender IdentityStruggling to love my neighbors in grace and truth.
Four Questions I Have About Transgender Identity

Last week I wrote a post called "Let Kids Be Kids Instead of Sexualized Little Adults," in response to a YouTube video about a "transgender" girl whose parents helped her "transition" into a boy at age 6. I cautioned against the idea that children's ...

Let Kids Be Kids Instead of Sexualized Little AdultsWhat both conservative and liberals miss about children’s gender identity.
Let Kids Be Kids Instead of Sexualized Little Adults

For a long time, my little sister Elly was a boy. It started on her second birthday, when she received her gift from Kate, another of my sisters (I'm the oldest of four girls). Elly opened the box—a blue corduroy dress Kate and my mother had stitched themselves—and ...

Three Articles on Family Worth Reading This WeekWeekly Roundup 7.10.14
Three Articles on Family Worth Reading This Week

I've included a brief description and the opening paragraphs of four articles that caught my attention this past week. I'd love to know what you think too:

Coming to U.S. for Baby, and Womb to Carry It - Tamar Lewin, The New York Times

Foreign citizens now make up ...

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