We Can't Care About Everyone All the TimeWhen I didn't feel upset about horrific news reports, I wondered if something was wrong with me.
We Can't Care About Everyone All the Time
Image: See Li/Flickr

I have only paid cursory attention to the hundreds of girls kidnapped recently by a militant group in Nigeria. And even when I have stopped to listen to an NPR update on the situation, I haven't registered any emotional response. I could have tried to get my heart to ...

Weekly Roundup 5.10.14: Seven Things to Read About MothersThe history of Mother's Day, mothers and calling, mothers and happiness, and more...
Weekly Roundup 5.10.14: Seven Things to Read About Mothers
Image: Big Grey Mare/Flickr

In anticipation of Mother's Day I've featured posts about mothers all week--my own reflections on how being a mother has helped me to grow up, Ellen Painter Dollar's thoughts about how sharing her body--a body disabled by osteogenesis imperfecta--with her kids has ...

Raising Wholehearted--Not Perfect--KidsAn interview with Jeannie Cunnion about Parenting the Whole Hearted Child
Raising Wholehearted--Not Perfect--Kids
Image: Darrel Birkett/Flickr

I had a chance to read an advanced reader copy of Jeannie Cunnion's new book, Parenting the Wholehearted Child: Captivating Your Child's Heart with God's Extravagant Grace, and I not only learned from her story but I also immediately applied some of her advice. Every ...

The Story of my Broken, Redeemed BodyHow giving birth made my broken body strong and beautiful. A guest post by Ellen Painter Dollar
The Story of my Broken, Redeemed Body

Eight years ago, when my three children were still very young, we traveled to Omaha for an Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) Foundation conference. Both I and my oldest daughter have OI, a genetic collagen disorder that causes brittle bones, short stature, and other symptoms. ...

I Didn't Grow Up Until I Became a MomI thought I was a mature adult, and then I had a baby
I Didn't Grow Up Until I Became a Mom
Image: Flickr

I should begin with two caveats: One, I'm not all grown up yet. Maybe I never will be. Two, many of my peers who aren't parents are just as grown up as I am. But for me, having kids is what it took for me to begin to grow up, and as Mother's Day approaches, I'm ...

Stopping to Notice a Day of GraceI have plenty of grumpy and just fine days. But every once in a while, a really good one comes along...
Stopping to Notice a Day of Grace
Image: Phil Dutton

Do you ever have a day that captures the simple goodness within your life? For me, it doesn't happen often. I have lots of grumpy days--when the kids are whining and I'm tired and there's a voice in the back of my head telling me to pay more attention to the good ...

Women Don't Need to Become Men in Order to SucceedIn the classroom and the workplace, boys and girls aren't the same. We need to figure out how to support them both.
Women Don't Need to Become Men in Order to Succeed
Image: Alex/Flickr

I have always been an overachiever and a perfectionist. It might be because I'm a girl, or because I'm the firstborn of four, or because my parents are type-A personalities or just because. But either way, I remember the panic that shot from the center of my torso ...

Can Pro-Life Christians Be Genetic Counselors?Virginia's problematic new law contains possibilities for creating a safe space for counselors and clients alike
Can Pro-Life Christians Be Genetic Counselors?
Image: Torsten Mangner/Flickr

Virginia's Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe recently signed two bills into law that provide rules for licensing genetic counselors. Genetic counseling has been recognized as a field since the late 1970s, but many states still fail to regulate it. With advances in technology ...

What Slowing Down Teaches You That Rushing Never WillThe mother of a child with Down syndrome joins her daughter’s rebellion against hurried living. A guest post by Elisa Fryling Stanford
What Slowing Down Teaches You That Rushing Never Will
Image: Lisa Beth Anderson

My daughter Eden is slow. I know that sounds negative. It feels almost like a betrayal to write it. Our world rarely welcomes slowness. But Eden, who is nine years old and has Down syndrome, remains unaware of the need to rush. Ever.

This morning she walked out of the house ...

Why You Should Tell Your Family's StoryWhat memoir-writing has to do with Christian faith
Why You Should Tell Your Family's Story
Image: Pedro Riberio Simoes/Flickr

I started teaching a memoir class in our local library last week. I've never done a class like this before, and the local program coordinator said she hoped for about twenty people from our town of 3,000. Forty-five people showed up, from age ten to eighty-five.

Apparently ...

Weekly Roundup 4.25.14 Why I Read Novels Before BedPlus articles about Jesus, kids who suffer, changing assumptions about disability and more
Weekly Roundup 4.25.14 Why I Read Novels Before Bed

What do you do before you go to sleep?

I remember when I was in my first job out of college, and after about two years of working until the time I rolled into bed, I started reading novels again. Just as I had as a kid, before novels became homework assignments for all ...

Breaking Up With God An interview with Caryn Rivadeneira about God's role and redemption when we face a crisis.
Breaking Up With God

I'm honored to have Caryn Rivadeneira here today to talk about her newly released book, Broke: What Financial Desperation Revealed About God's Abundance. I'll be hosting a giveaway of Caryn's book on my Facebook page if you'd like a chance to read it for ...

Parenting a Child Who Is Profoundly OtherA mother reflects on the humanity she shares with her daughter with significant disabilities
Parenting a Child Who Is Profoundly Other

"Good morning, sweetie peetie," I greet Temma each morning, my own eyes still half-shut when I paddle into her room. Her eyes are most often open as if she has been waiting for me. She startles a bit at the sound of my voice, her arms and feet lifting up and her ...

What Easter Has to Do with My Everyday LifeWhy am I surprised that God is willing to enter into the smallest problems, concerns, and details?
What Easter Has to Do with My Everyday Life
Image: Neal Fowler/Flickr

It was a long week.

Penny, my eight-year old daughter, was on spring break. William (5) and Marilee (3) were not. My husband Peter was out of town. So I decided to pull William and Marilee from school and go to the Connecticut shore, where we have a family beach house. ...

Weekly Roundup 4.18.14: The Best Novel I've Read in a Long Time, and Other Reading NotesThe Festival of Faith and Writing, faith, family, disability and culture
Weekly Roundup 4.18.14: The Best Novel I've Read in a Long Time, and Other Reading Notes
Image: Bunches and Bits/Flickr

Last week I returned from the Festival of Faith and Writing, a conference that is just what it sounds like, populated by writers and readers and people of faith. For people like me this constitutes a taste of heaven. Being at the Festival gave me a chance to think about why ...

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