Church Life

The Struggle to Find a Mentor

If you still haven’t found your ideal mentor, consider these new models of mentoring.
The Struggle to Find a Mentor

If you were to imagine your ideal mentor, what would she be like?

Let me tell you about mine. My ideal mentor would be a woman, at least a step or two ahead of me in life. She would be wise, discerning, and nurturing. She would be devoted to Christ, with a contagious faith. She would speak hard truths with gentle grace. She would also be a writer, offering insight and ...

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Three Ways to Simplify Advent

These proactive measures can keep you, and your team, from burning out.
Three Ways to Simplify Advent

Much has been written to the individual about how we should simplify holidays, but it gets a bit more complicated for those of us in ministry. We are, after all, responsible for other people whom we fear may be alone or neglected during the holidays. We also feel compelled to help others connect to God during the holidays rather than default to the culture’s interpretation ...

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Pastor or Director: Does Title Matter?

An honest look at what our titles communicate
Pastor or Director: Does Title Matter?

Several years ago, I had a breakfast meeting with an elder at my church. When the check came, I reached across the table to pay. But he refused and said, “I have a policy that I always pay for the pastor.” I laughed. “But I am not a pastor,” I said, using air quotes. He responded, “Yes you are. That may not be your title but it is what you do.” ...

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Technology Has Changed My Role as Pastor

In 13 years, our church plant has transformed.
Technology Has Changed My Role as Pastor

This week, in conjunction with the most recent issue of Leadership Journal, which explores the state of the pastorate, we're featuring two articles by pastors answering one question: what is the current state of your pastorate? Click here to see all the articles in this series.

What’s the state of your pastorate? Let us know online through tweets, blogs, drawings, ...

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The State of Female Pastors

Despite less than groundbreaking numbers, there’s change in the air.
The State of Female Pastors

Female leadership is on the rise in many churches, which has ignited further discussion on the subject. While female ordination is supported by denominations such as American Baptist, Presbyterian USA, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the Roman Catholic Church and the large Southern Baptist denomination remain stiffly against female ordination.

According to a ...

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How to Spot Rising Women Leaders

If we want to see more women leaders in the church, we need to look for them.
How to Spot Rising Women Leaders

I sat in the front row listening intently to a woman who taught from the Bible with wisdom, grace, and knowledge. I was mesmerized by her. Like a sponge, I soaked up every bit of wisdom she poured forth. The impact she had on me and hundreds of other women that day was immeasurable as she encouraged us to be more fully devoted to Christ.

This amazing teacher wasn’t ...

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How Churches Benefit from Co-Pastors

One couple’s story of leaning into their unique gifts and callings as they lead together
How Churches Benefit from Co-Pastors

Many churches choose men for their lead pastor. More and more are choosing women. And some churches are opting for the best of both.

A growing trend termed co-pastoring, has churches hiring husband-wife pairs to lead together equally as pastors. To better understand the benefits and challenges that come with this emerging movement, I spoke with Robin and Marty Anderson, ...

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Why Do People Only Notice My Clothes?

The reason we get more compliments on our clothing than our sermons
Why Do People Only Notice My Clothes?
Image: flickr/wenzday01

Should she be wearing those shoes to preach?

I regretted the thought as soon as it ran through my head. The preacher at the large, ecumenical conference was experienced and well-educated. The narrative of her sermon was strong, and the gospel was proclaimed. But I still couldn’t get my mind past her shoes, which, I must add, would have been appropriate in any office ...

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How to Find Truth in Harsh Feedback

What to do when feedback is off base, unfair, and poorly delivered
How to Find Truth in Harsh Feedback

I have a bad track record for receiving feedback well—at least negative feedback.

Like when my husband told me I was a little harsh when I reminded him he forgot to run the dishwasher. I wasn’t being harsh! I was just being honest!

Or when our realtor commented on the “very bright” paint color in our bedroom that “wasn’t her style.” ...

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What the Oppressed Can Teach Us About the Bible

The way I read and lead has changed forever.
What the Oppressed Can Teach Us About the Bible
Image: restless_mind/flickr

God is taking me through an exercise in going global—right from my quiet time.

As I read through the Bible, I have a hunch that the lens I read through is just that—mine. So I’ve started seriously evaluating it: What “eyes” am I reading through? How do my culture and experiences shape my interpretations? How would I interpret the Word if ...

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