Connect Your Church with Its Community
An interview with Dana Baker, pastor of multicultural ministries, church partnership, and prayer
Connect Your Church with Its Community

Dana Baker has had an exciting and unsuspecting journey to leadership in the church and community, and she is glad to share her experience with our readers. Dana is pastor of multicultural ministries, church partnership, and prayer at Grace Chapel, a non-denominational church ...

Premenstrual Ministry
Maybe this curse is also a blessing
Premenstrual Ministry

I was scrolling through headlines when the story caught my attention: yet another school shooting had resulted in yet another fatality. A young girl was dead at the hands of a classmate, her parents shattered by grief, her community forever changed. I felt undone. It was ...

Create Your Churchā€™s Vision Statement
It starts with a dream
Create Your Churchā€™s Vision Statement

Every church has the tools necessary to attain a clear vision for their future. Leaders must dream what their ideal church will look like and then implement a specific plan so they can achieve those dreams. Churches that are achieving their dreams started through creating vision ...

How to Be an Overcomer When You Feel Overtaken
Tactics for surviving uncertainty
How to Be an Overcomer When You Feel Overtaken

In the corner of my neighborhood coffee shop, I sit at a small round table hidden behind a display of coffee cups and bags of dark roast. Writing here instead of at home at my desk is a new coping rhythm during an unwanted, lengthy season of transition for my family.

We ...

Pressure Will Make or Break Your Leadership
If God knows how we feel, why not be honest with ourselves?
Pressure Will Make or Break Your Leadership

As Christians, we are expected to do everything in our power the way that God wants us to. Even if life tells us that we are not as strong in the Lord as we portray ourselves to be, we still are held accountable for keeping on the full armor. John 14:15 says, “If you ...

Teach Your Entire Church to Welcome Visitors
The five-minute rule and other tips
Teach Your Entire Church to Welcome Visitors

After being part of the same church community for more than 15 years, my husband and I found ourselves looking for a new church home last year. During the 30-plus years I’ve been following Jesus, I have been a member of only three churches. (This has more to do with the ...

Hope Keeps Us Hungry
And our greatest testimony is found in hunger
Hope Keeps Us Hungry

“A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.” I don’t want to be a hungry soul just for a season. I want to live hunger. This is what draws me to Him. This is what fills every single bitter circumstance with ...

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