I Don’t Fit the Senior Pastor Mold

But I’m leading in the way God has gifted me.
I Don’t Fit the Senior Pastor Mold

I felt a lump in my throat as I looked out across the sanctuary of the 1,900 member congregation—the church where I had been senior pastor for nine weeks. It was the same sort of lump I had when my son, Caleb Daniel Leach, was placed into my arms for the very first time.

As I held Caleb, tears streamed down my face and onto his precious cheeks. I was madly in love. He ...

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The Tenacity of Women Leaders

Being a woman leader is hard, yet so many of you courageously live out your calling—and I’m thankful.
The Tenacity of Women Leaders

In research recently done by Susan R. Madsen of Utah Valley University, an interesting similarity among women leaders was found. Surveyed women said the reason they are leaders is because they had supportive family and friends—most notably their fathers—who helped them discover their voice and encouraged them to be leaders.

My family certainly played a role in encouraging ...

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Take Ownership of Your Development

Women are often overlooked for leadership development. Take matters into your own hands.
Take Ownership of Your Development

I was blessed in the early days of my career to work for some strong, incredibly competent leaders. Not only were they great at leading the organization I was part of, but they took a special interest in me. They were intentional and purposeful in creating opportunities for me to stretch and grow my leadership muscles. Whether it was giving me a chance to make a presentation ...

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We Are Free Indeed

Sojourner Truth used her God-given freedom to set others free—and we can too.
We Are Free Indeed

Powerhouse is not a word often used to describe women of the 19th century, but Sojourner Truth is not like most of our spiritual mothers. An itinerant preacher turned abolitionist, and an early voice in the fight for women’s rights, Truth poured out her life for the marginalized and the oppressed.

Born into slavery in 1797, Isabella Van Wagenen—as she was called ...

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Tell a Good Story When You Preach

How to teach in a way that connects, compels, and builds trust.
Tell a Good Story When You Preach

My stepsons come barging in the door after seeing a movie with their dad. They are laughing and talking and quoting lines from the movie as they scour the cupboards for snacks.

“How was the movie?”

“It was really good! So funny.”

Then I ask this question: “What was it about?”

I usually get a play-by-play of the story line, with one of them talking ...

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When Leadership Development Is a Bad Thing

I used to think I had to change to be a good leader. Now I see the strengths I had all along.
When Leadership Development Is a Bad Thing

“How do you know?”

I can’t tell you know many times that question has stopped me cold. As a highly intuitive and introverted person, my favorite way of knowing is through my intuition. I naturally collect information without conscious reasoning, synthesize it behind the scenes, and come to a quick and convincing conclusion. The problem is intuition doesn’t ...

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The Sound of My Voice

Discover the value of your unique voice.
The Sound of My Voice

Have you ever winced as you heard your own voice played back on a voicemail or video? Upon hearing the playback most people lament, “Do I really sound like that? Is that really me?” We grow up hearing our voices one way, as they come to us internally, echoing through our inner ear. As a result, you may experience your voice as deep and husky, yet in reality it ...

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How to Figure Out Your Calling

Amy Orr-Ewing says it takes a combination of being proactive and listening for God’s leading.
How to Figure Out Your Calling

I was 19 when I met Amy Orr-Ewing—the British speaker, writer, and evangelist that CT’s Katelyn Beaty deemed “among the most prominent apologists in the UK today” in a recent cover story. We were both students at Oxford University at the time, and we met through the student ministry at St. Aldates Church—a lively group that went by the memorable, ...

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How to Steward Your Ministry Well

What does it look like to invest in the resources God has entrusted to you?
How to Steward Your Ministry Well

Stewards are people who care for someone else’s property. They oversee, protect, and care for what is entrusted to them. That’s also the management responsibility of a leader. As people of faith, we are accountable as stewards on behalf of two different owners: (1) God, who created it all and entrusted it to us, and (2) for the ministry for which we work.

A familiar ...

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When You Feel Like You Can Never Do Enough

How to follow a sacrificial Savior without losing yourself in ministry
When You Feel Like You Can Never Do Enough

If you are in ministry, you most likely have a strong desire to serve others. But where does it end? When have you served enough? Where are the limits?

It’s popular to talk about having healthy boundaries, but how do we know where to set them in ministry? Since we have a Savior who died to fulfill his mission, how do we emulate him while still maintaining our mental and ...

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