What Simone Biles Is Teaching Me about Innovation

Throwing out the old scorecard has changed gymnastics—and it can change your ministry.
What Simone Biles Is Teaching Me about Innovation
Image: AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

On August 5, the 2016 Summer Olympics will officially begin with the opening ceremonies. And on August 7, I will grab a bowl of popcorn and watch the start of the gymnastics events, paying special attention to Simone Biles, the most decorated American female gymnast, as she competes at her first Olympics. This isn’t a new tradition. I have fond memories of watching the ...

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Stop Leading from a Scarcity Mindset

With God, there’s more than enough (gifts, opportunities, ministries, work) to go around.
Stop Leading from a Scarcity Mindset

There were 60 of us in the room that day, and only 8 were women. We’d been chosen, called, or assigned (however you want to say it) to speak at summer camps across the United States. I wish I could say that as I sat in two days of intensive training, every part of me was marked by Paul’s words in Romans 10:15, “Blessed are the feet of those who bring good ...

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How to Minister to People Who Don’t Like You

Eight tips to love the hard-to-love.
How to Minister to People Who Don’t Like You

I have always been committed to obey the call of God no matter what. I was committed when I was ordained and released to plant a church in a community that didn’t approve of women in ministry. I was committed when someone actually threatened my life if I followed through with the church plant. I was committed when Johnnie—my husband, my greatest supporter, and ...

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Facing My Inner Control Freak

An unexpected encounter with the Holy Spirit changed everything.
Facing My Inner Control Freak

In 2004, short side bangs were all the rage, and I raged with them. Aside from bad hair choices, though, it was also the year my mother invited me to attend her annual church women’s retreat. Chemo treatments, radiation, steroids, and painkillers couldn’t keep my mom away from this annual gathering. Every year she poured her heart and soul into planning this weekend, ...

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Calling Is Not as Mysterious as You Think

A letter to young women in leadership
Calling Is Not as Mysterious as You Think

Dear Young Leader:

Have you found your calling?

If you’re like me, you’ve spent some time thinking about this question. And if you’re like I was a while back, you aren’t sure how to answer. You may find yourself in circumstances you’ve largely fallen into, not sure exactly how you came to be there, how you’ve been there for as long as you ...

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Religious Freedom Lessons from the Quakers

What a 17th-century woman leader taught me about fighting for freedom—for all
Religious Freedom Lessons from the Quakers

I’m not a Quaker, but the Quakers are a big part of my family history. My mother’s family came to America with William Penn, the Quaker who founded Pennsylvania. As a result, the Quakers loomed large in my imagination when I was growing up. As a young teenager I became interested in the abolitionist movement of the 1800s, and I was delighted to find that the Quakers ...

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Five Ways to Respond to Mansplaining

You’ve been invited to the table for a reason, and your team needs to hear what you have to say.
Five Ways to Respond to Mansplaining

You got invited to an important ministry team. You come prepared to your first meeting eager to engage and share your ideas. You’re thankful for a seat at the table and excited for the opportunity to serve. Despite your excitement and hope leading up to the meeting, however, you leave the meeting completely second-guessing yourself, wondering why you were even there. ...

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The Vulnerable Act of Public Speaking

Find your voice—and keep it.
The Vulnerable Act of Public Speaking

Voice is more than simply speaking; it engages the whole self—mind, body, spirit, your true self. Using another category, such as this one, helps us access elements of identity and authenticity in a different way and can become another set of practical strategies for going about living into your own sense of truth. How we understand voice can be lodged in four categories: ...

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How to Be a Spiritual Mother

We all have a responsibility to guide younger leaders.
How to Be a Spiritual Mother

When I was in my twenties, I thought life was effectively over at 30. Incidentally, I also thought time would move much more slowly than it does. When I was in my thirties I knew better, but I still dreaded 40. I looked ahead and saw a future with obvious signs of aging, aches and pains, cultural alienation, and my precious children leaving home—it all felt negative ...

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My Husband Isn’t Called to Ministry

My dreams of ministering together were dashed, but I got something better in return.
My Husband Isn’t Called to Ministry

I always thought I’d marry a man in ministry. Together, we’d be a kingdom powerhouse. We’d make people laugh, think, feel, and smile, all for the glory of God. Our unique pairing would be used to bring people closer to Christ.

Dreaming about who we’d be was a bit pompous on my part, but I had my reasons. From the time I was a young girl, I knew I’d ...

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