13 Tips for Women Church Planters

Beyond where to plant and what strategy to use
13 Tips for Women Church Planters

When planting a church, many leaders focus on the plethora of organizational decisions that must be made. For instance, how will you prepare yourself: seminary training, extensive reading, studying church planting strategies, or an apprenticeship? You’ll also need to decide whether to plant independently or with a denomination, where to plant, how to finance the church, ...

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6 Leadership Lessons I've Learned from Millennials

As I'm learning from Millennials, I'm finding hope for the future.
6 Leadership Lessons I've Learned from Millennials

We talk a lot about Millennials. It often involves a lot of eye-rolling.

The stereotype is nicely summed up by the title of a 2013 Time Magazine article: “The Me Me Me Generation.” This thought is not limited to secular circles, either. Earlier this year, Watermark Church created a song (which then went viral online) called “Gotta Love Millennials.” ...

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Called to Ministry? Start Here.

Five steps to become a healthy minister
Called to Ministry? Start Here.

When did you know you were called to ministry?

Maybe it was one of those lightning-bolt moments that changed the way you see yourself. Or maybe it came to you through a slow building of conviction you can no longer ignore. Perhaps it was through a life-changing conversation or a quiet nudge in a corner of your mind. Maybe it’s simply that you experience tremendous joy ...

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Ministry after Becoming a Mom

Is it possible to balance two full-time callings?
Ministry after Becoming a Mom

I have two major callings on my life: motherhood and ministry. Navigating these callings simultaneously can be challenging to say the least. Most days I feel successful with one and a failure with the other. Then there are days where I feel I have failed miserably at both. So on those rare occasions when I feel like I can maintain that delicate balance, I celebrate.

As a little ...

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When Calling Causes Conflict

Many women face opposition in their calling—whether overt, covert, or internal.
When Calling Causes Conflict

Few of us will step into our calling without some level of opposition or conflict. Sometimes, the opposition is overt and impossible to overlook. Karen* felt called to study theology. When the opportunity finally came for her to attend seminary, however, she faced intense resistance from her family. They eventually issued her an ultimatum: quit seminary or they’d stop ...

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Straight to the Source

Seminaries teach a simple method for studying the Bible that we can all use to study the Bible ourselves.
Straight to the Source

When I came to Christ, I had only been in a church once before at age nine. I begged my mother to take me one Easter because I was curious about God and hoped to find him there. I did, but only a glimpse that left a lingering hunger. So years later when someone explained what Christ had done for me, I found the God I had been desperately seeking. From that moment on, I couldn’t ...

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An Open Letter to Young Women Leaders

The glory of God is man—and woman—fully alive.
An Open Letter to Young Women Leaders

My dear friend,

It is nothing short of joyous to see you in action—loving God and loving people. I don’t question that you are right where you’re supposed to be, for you are more than leaning into the calling placed on your life. Do you see what I see in you? Do you believe in what Christ wants to do through you?

Here’s what I know, you have the Three ...

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Don't Be That Woman

Culture wants to caricaturize women leaders. But God sees us in a different light.
Don't Be That Woman
Image: Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Recently a man told me I should stop interfering.

I didn’t take it well.

Soon after that interaction, I came across a collection of anti-suffragette postcards featured on The Huffington Post. One postcard shows a room full of buck-toothed, bug-eyed women with the text: “At the suffragette meetings you can hear some plain things—and see them too!” The ...

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Preaching Grace Rather Than To-Do Lists

When we share five ways to be a better parent, what are we communicating about the gospel?
Preaching Grace Rather Than To-Do Lists

I once had a seminary student say to me, “I can’t wait to start preaching so I can tell people what to do!” That’s the popular conception of preaching: someone standing in front telling other people what to do. The assumption of inadequacy is built into that understanding of the word preach: “You are not living the way I (or maybe God) want you ...

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Trusting God When the Future Is Unknown

Will we enter God’s Promised Land for us in full faith?
Trusting God When the Future Is Unknown

Editor’s Note: National Hispanic Heritage Month begins today, running through October 15. To kick off the month, we’re featuring a gifted, wise, and talented Hispanic woman leader. To read more from Bianca Juárez Olthoff, click here.

The Israelite spies stood at the edge of their promise. They could see the journey ahead of them. They were chosen to inherit ...

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