How to Spot Rising Women Leaders

If we want to see more women leaders in the church, we need to look for them.
How to Spot Rising Women Leaders

I sat in the front row listening intently to a woman who taught from the Bible with wisdom, grace, and knowledge. I was mesmerized by her. Like a sponge, I soaked up every bit of wisdom she poured forth. The impact she had on me and hundreds of other women that day was immeasurable as she encouraged us to be more fully devoted to Christ.

This amazing teacher wasn’t ...

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Pastor Seeking Fame

Are you willing to do God’s work—even if there’s no red carpet?
Pastor Seeking Fame
Image: Flickr/wvs

At a recent conference, two speakers caught my attention and caused me to examine my heart and ministry. The first was a well-known pastor. I'd never heard her speak before, so I was eager to hear what she had to say. My excitement faded quickly, though, when she started.

She was focused on putting on a performance rather than teaching well. She told a story about looking ...

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How Churches Benefit from Co-Pastors

One couple’s story of leaning into their unique gifts and callings as they lead together
How Churches Benefit from Co-Pastors

Many churches choose men for their lead pastor. More and more are choosing women. And some churches are opting for the best of both.

A growing trend termed co-pastoring, has churches hiring husband-wife pairs to lead together equally as pastors. To better understand the benefits and challenges that come with this emerging movement, I spoke with Robin and Marty Anderson, ...

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Why Do People Only Notice My Clothes?

The reason we get more compliments on our clothing than our sermons
Why Do People Only Notice My Clothes?
Image: flickr/wenzday01

Should she be wearing those shoes to preach?

I regretted the thought as soon as it ran through my head. The preacher at the large, ecumenical conference was experienced and well-educated. The narrative of her sermon was strong, and the gospel was proclaimed. But I still couldn’t get my mind past her shoes, which, I must add, would have been appropriate in any office ...

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When a Leader Doesn’t Know She’s a Leader

How to develop and encourage the emerging leaders around you
When a Leader Doesn’t Know She’s a Leader

There are many potential leaders who don’t see their leadership potential, and the onus is on us to invite them—and to invite them well. Unfortunately, I’ve seen efforts to do this that were well-intentioned but not carried out well. One such example is an event I attended that finished with this message: “You might see these big names on stage, but ...

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We Need the Wisdom of Seasoned Leaders

How my life was changed by a woman twice my age
We Need the Wisdom of Seasoned Leaders
Image: flickr/12392252@N03

It was a Tuesday morning when I pulled up to the church for my first Bible study. The parking lot was full, I was late, and I still needed to check in my children for childcare. It was quiet when I entered the room, the teacher’s engaging lesson holding everyone’s attention. The room held more than 100 elderly women, and I was intimidated. But as a new Christian, ...

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Be Honest: You Don’t Have It All Together

And you don’t have to.
Be Honest: You Don’t Have It All Together

It’s 100 million degrees in Chicago, and I’m sweating through my shirt. I’ve not showered, I’m sporting a baseball hat and sunglasses to mask this fact, desperately hoping no one notices me. I scurry from my car into the building like an incognito A-Lister—only I’m dashing across the church parking lot to my office.

It’s my day off, ...

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Mentoring Is More than Teaching

It’s actually a lot more like mothering.
Mentoring Is More than Teaching

“So can you help me? Please? I really need your help.”

As I stared into the eyes of my new Christian friend, I saw her struggling. She was feeling tempted to enter into a serious romantic relationship with a non-Christian. Of course I will help her, I thought. I know just what to do!

I scheduled a weekly one-on-one Bible study with her to examine the book ...

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My Struggle to Remain Faithful

I’m not shocked by leaders on the Ashley Madison list.
My Struggle to Remain Faithful

It’s pretty easy for women in ministry to fall into adultery—much easier than you probably think.

It shocks us to hear that women leaders struggle with sexual sin, but it’s more common than we know. The problem is that no one talks about it because there’s so much shame surrounding the topic. That silence means those who struggle will continue ...

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Rest Is Not an Option

The dangerous effects of our fast-paced lives on ministry
Rest Is Not an Option

We live in a performance-based culture that measures success by how much you can cram into your life. The more you do, the more you're doing, so to speak. This mentality has, by and large, infiltrated the church, and you don't have to look beyond the church's leadership to see that. Many pastors and church leaders are overworked and burned out, and their families ...

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