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Celebrating Christmas as a Family
Family loyalty, when prioritized over the church, can all too easily become a kind of idolatry.
John Stott: Thinking (and Preaching) on Singleness
The lifelong bachelor shares his wisdom on an often-neglected subject.
The Most Important Conversation of the Day
Kids know when it happens—be prepared to make the most of this valuable time.
63 Ways to Say ‘Thank You, Dad’
It's time to change what we say to fathers.
Is Faith Sufficient for Membership?
A case study in leadership discernment
Advent’s Knotty Family Tree
Jesus was born into a messy family too
Savor Advent, Feast on Christmas
My family’s new traditions made the season richer
How Does Your Week Look?
5 pastors share how they structure their schedules.
Married, Spiritually Single, and Called to Lead
Managing tension between marriage and ministry
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