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Assess the Effectiveness of Your Women's Ministry
Use these assessment forms to help you and your team discern whether you are truly helping women in your women's ministry.
Planning the Worship Service
Plan, implement, and execute a worship service that will benefit the congregation.
Streamlining Church Programming
Eliminate complexity in your church's ministry so that you can focus your efforts on what you do best.
Dealing with Staff
Deal with staff conflict in a Christ-honoring way.
When the Budget Is Tight
Take control of your church's finances so they don't take control of you.
Next Steps in Your Ministry Vocation
Guidance for understanding whether you should stay on or leave, and if the latter, then how to leave.
Core Values
Discover your church values—how they shape the church and affect how ministry is conducted.
Setting Goals and Measuring Results
Create a culture in which team members establish objectives and reach them.
Training New Leaders
Identify potential leaders by creating a climate where people want to serve.
Are Churches Fixing Problems No One Cares About?
People who don’t attend church aren’t as angry as we think. They’re apathetic. Anger would be easier to deal with.
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