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Sex & the City of God
How do we respond to a corrupted culture? Two faulty examples and a better one.
From First Chair to Second Fiddle
Your calling to ministry may lead from senior pastor to associate.
Measuring What Matters
How do you gauge if your people are getting stronger?
Seeing People on the Job
Making a difference through pastoral care in the workplace.
Coaching from the Sideline
Instead of providing answers to problems, this mentoring strategy guides people to devise their own plays.
How to Be an Effective Mentor
Making devoted disciples.
What's to Become of Tom?
The kid is self-absorbed and directionless. Does he have a future as a leader?
Mentoring that Matters
Reviving an ancient teaching method that adds life to ministry.
Letting the Laity Pastor
The best measure of a church is how many people walk out to be the royal priesthood on Monday.
Risking Lay Ministry
An essential step in preparing people to minister is to encourage them to be willing to take big risks.
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