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Helping People Care for One Another
The first step in helping people move into ministry is to remind them that they are part of a royal priesthood.
Mentoring That Makes a Difference
Encouragement can help people discern God's will for their lives.
Caring for a Difficult Person
Some personalities require extra attention.
A Believer's To-Be List
Steps to a fresh start with God.
Why I Don't Set Goals
People and institutions begin to corrode when fleshly zeal is tied to spiritual goals.
Strain of Confidentiality
To talk or not to talk - that is just the first of the questions.
Discovering Your Calling
Answer the fundamental issues Christians often experience with calling and guide your church leaders toward greater joy and peace in their lives.
A Steady Rhythm
The not-so-secret key to effective ministry and leadership.
Taking God's Keys
The keys of the kingdom also unlock the joys of your calling.
Leader's Insight: My Little Shark Hunter
Always brave, my son tackles a new dangerous mission. At times, I wish I felt better about it.
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