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A Day Off from God Stuff
What is a sabbath rest for pastors, when you handle holy things all week long?
My Holy of Holies
How all-too-human preachers can prepare their souls to preach.
Name Calling
How we label others and ourselves gives life and takes it away.
When God Comes to Church
Is it wrong to pray that God will show up?
Take Time to Be What?
A classic hymn shows why holiness is scarce these days.
Want to Be Wonder-full?
We really like our Vaseline tubes. That's what makes us less likely to follow Jesus to the margins.
Two of Me
For God's people, the opposite of simplicity is not complexity. It's duplicity.
The Celestial Con Man
Could it be that my disappointing experience was God's intent?
Teaching a Church to Pray
How a new pastor helped his congregation re-approach the throne of grace.
Getting Deeper
The Gift of Doubt
How singer/songwriter Sara Groves's dark night of the soul led her to a better understanding of God, his kingdom, and our role in it.
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