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5 Mistakes More Likely To Be Made By Small Churches Than Big Churches
Different sizes of churches serve different functions. And they face different challenges.
Are You Missing What God Is Doing While Holding Out For Something Bigger?
When we get to heaven will God ask some of us "Why did you look down on the ministry I gave you?"
Getting Unstuck: Innovative Small Churches Find Alternatives, Not Excuses
Problems don’t become excuses when we say “we can’t do it that way.” They become excuses when we say “we can’t do it any other way, either.”
Do We Need A Broader Definition Of Church Growth?
Any definition of church growth that doesn’t allow for, even celebrate, churches that contribute in non-numerical ways is incomplete.
5 Things You Should Never Say To A Small Church Pastor 
Don’t just get the content right. Consider how it might feel to the hurting pastors who need your help the most.
5 Simple Statements Any Small Church Pastor Would Love To Hear
It takes so little to remind a small church pastor that you care for them and are asking God to bless them.
Why Are There So Many Unhealthy Small Churches? (Don't Worry, It's Good News)
There are 90 unhealthy small churches to every unhealthy megachurch because small churches outnumber megachurches by about 90 to 1.
One And Done: Why Small Church Discipleship Is Always A Moving Target 
In a small church, it doesn’t take long for everyone who’s interested in a specific discipleship program to finish it.
The Mixed Blessings Of Scalable Church
We need to understand why a church is small before we can know if its size is a problem to overcome or an opportunity to capitalize on.
The Man Who Saved The World By Thinking Small: A D-Day Tribute
On D-Day, small and large worked together. Each did the task they were best suited for. Together they won the day.
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