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He Went Away Sad
Childlike faith and trust is necessary if we are to enter the kingdom.
When You Sin While Preaching
How to recover from your failures in the pulpit.
The Sin Tamer
Do we ever get to stop fighting against the evil within?
The Heart Is the Target (free sample)
Start where life change starts.
The Young and the Repentant
A proper definition is the key to leading young adults to repent.
A Repenting Church
How one congregation turned (and continues to turn) from its sins.
Thy Kingdom Come
Why repentance is always good news.
Sex Offenders: Coming to a Church Near You
How churches, ready or not, are ministering to society's most despised
A Purer Heart, Thanks to a Prodigal
One woman's powerful story led me to ask some honest, soul-searching questions.
Light in Your Eyes
Accountability is easy, until you hear what you don't want to hear.
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