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Tackling the Ministry Monsters
All children's ministries have three common elements. The first is easy—kids. The second is also obvious—Jesus. The third element we share? Volunteers.
Volunteer Recruiting Tips
Never recruit a volunteer to complete a task. Rather, offer gifted believers opportunities to use their spiritual gifts.
Locally Grown Leadership (free sample)
Discover the benefits of cultivating new leaders from within.
Building Future Leaders
Which kid in your children's or youth ministry could become more than he or she is right now?
Keep the Bar High and the Begging Low
You are not doing anyone a favor by expecting too little from your volunteers.
Thoughts on Motivating Volunteers
Getting people to volunteer is one thing. Motivating them is another ...
Training Volunteers
A Leadership Survey
Helping Your Successor Succeed
Practical strategies for easing a major transition
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