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Hope for the Difficult Emotion
Changing sinful patterns happens in community.
Perils of a Public Christian
I needed a stimulus to tend my "interaction economy."
When Details Get You Down
Maintaining a spiritual life amid war, famine, and plague is what made Gregory the Great.
Show a Little Dignity
A clear and gentle answer turns aside testiness.
Finding Myself in Fixed-Hour Prayer
How praying the Daily Offices is uniting a church in the Spirit.
Entering the Stories of Ordinary People
Joy and wisdom is discovered when we take the time to observe the lives around us.
The Volcanic Spirit
One eruption can contaminate your inner space for a l-o-n-g time.
Rx for Spiritual A.D.D.
Interview with Richard Foster
Linstantly a Leader
What we can learn from Jeremy Lin's sudden rise to leadership.
The Secret Ingredient to Success
A little grit goes a long way.
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