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Leadership Styles
Understand your leadership style, and the strengths and weaknesses it brings to the team.
Character of a Leader
Character can make or break leadership.
Training New Leaders
Identify potential leaders by creating a climate where people want to serve.
Discovering Your Calling
Learn how to help your church leaders discover their calling and guide them toward greater joy and peace.
Spiritual Care
What it means to truly develop Christ-following disciples.
Motivating Leaders
Get the most out of those around you.
Urgent Care: Pornography & Sexual Addiction
Use these articles to recognize the emotional wounds that make someone especially vulnerable to sexual sin. Study how to reclaim sex for its intended purpose. Consider a special ministry to the spouse of someone trapped in pornography and sexual addiction. Finally, address sexual addiction through small groups and from your church's pulpit.
Urgent Care: Crisis Pregnancy
Don't pass up sensitive, hope-filled ministry in the face of this situation.
How to Spot Rising Women Leaders
If we want to see more women leaders in the church, we need to look for them.
Mentoring (Collection)
For the church that is ready to nurture the next generation of leaders.
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