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One Reason People Won’t Join Your Church
Remember hurt can make commitment scary
A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 1
Ministry to survivors of sexual abuse
A Voice for the Sinned-Against, Part 2
Ministry to survivors of sexual abuse
When Loving Your Sheep Hurts
How I found healing after betrayal in ministry
Not in Her Right Mind
How one church responded to an unexpected encounter with mental illness.
Flesh of my flesh
The Spiritual Power of Physical Touch
There is no replacement for human contact in the life of the church.
Journey Toward Hope
What a unique cancer ministry can teach you about pastoring people in crisis.
Mars Hill Elders' Letter of Confession
Former Mars Hill elders apologize to terminated pastors.
Leaning at the Eucharist
How one pastor's physical battle led him to a surprise encounter with grace.
Healing—and Leading—After Tragedy, Part One
Recovering from trauma is possible, necessary, and sometimes very hard.
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