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Amy Sherman: Why Millennials Leave
It might have more to do with our conversations on work than you think.
Amy Sherman: One Woman's Story
The work millenials are called to is more than just a phase.
Amy Sherman: Vocation is Not Incidental
We're here to offer the world a foretaste of the Kingdom of God.
Skye Jethani: All Work is Acceptable to God
Why do we believe that some work is sacred, while other work is simply "permissable?"
Learning from Weirdos
7 missional gifts from ancient Christian mystics
Amy Sherman: Three Reasons Why Faith and Work Conversations Matter
Discipleship, generational faith, and the importance of work as integral in our lives.
Small Groups, Big Impact
How to use small groups for church-wide discipleship.
Ministry, a Family Matter
Kid, spouse, mother. My simple story of expectations and perspective.
Study the Brain Without Losing Your Soul
Can brain science teach us about discipleship?
Preaching, a Spiritual Discipline?
Instead of exhaustion, homiletics can bring you life.
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