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Pastor's Kids, Ministering Children
Raising children in a ministry family has unique pressures and unique opportunities
A Survey of Ministers Wives
The wife of a minister for twenty years, Pat Valeriano takes the results of a LEADERSHIP survey of ministers' wives and comes to some intriguing conclusions about the joys and struggles these wives face.
The Private Times of the Public Minister
A church leader's private life is not second-class time; it's a chance to come apart and rest.
The Facts and Feelings of Overwork
Do you live with the nagging sense that there's always something more you should be doing?
None of Us Are Sinner Emeritus
An interview with Bruce Larson
Training young people to serve
Pleasing God & Pleasing People
A Pasadena pastor talks about parallel loyalties -- and what he does when they collide.
Getting the Real Story: A Guide to Candidating
Eighteen questions to ask before you say yes
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