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Review: The Blue Parakeet, Part 1
Scot McKnight rethinks how we read the Bible
Review: The Blue Parakeet, Part 2
Scot McKnight offers great insights into reading the Bible
Rick Warren at Obama's Inaugural
A good move or political pandering?
The Body Broken for Who?
Theologian J. I. Packer on restricting the Lord's Supper
Andy Stanley: Live (and Uncertain) at Catalyst West
A clear word for confusing times.
Preach Dirty to Me
The debate over profanity in the pulpit. Is Mark Driscoll being relevant or reckless?
Worship with Muslims and Jews?
Bob Roberts calls for more interfaith dialogue without minimizing our Christian beliefs.
What Did Jesus Mean by "Judge Not"?
Nine out of ten young people say Christians are judgmental, but are they right?
Would You Attend a Same-Sex Marriage Ceremony?
Al Mohler says Joel Osteen's willingness to attend a gay marriage ceremony, but not officiate one, is "theological nonsense" and "ministerial malpractice."
Should Pastors Marry Cohabitating Couples?
New survey finds most pastors will. Is that right?
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