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The Christian Industrial Complex (Part 1)
Are Christian bookstores challenging the values of our culture or just copying them?
The Christian Industrial Complex (Part 2)
Lack of imagination and not customers is what is killing Christian bookstores.
Give to Uncle Sam What is Uncle Sam's
Shane Claiborne calls for "revolutionary subordination" on tax day.
Skye Jethani: Redefining Radical (Part 1)
Why the call to radical mission is not the solution to consumer Christianity.
Skye Jethani: Redefining Radical (Part 2)
What ever happened to a theology of calling and vocation?
Do Christianity & Capitalism Clash?
New survey finds white, wealthy evangelicals love the free market...most others don't.
Ur Video: The Best (Or Worst) Prayer Ever?
What does the "smokin' hot wife" prayer teach us about praying in public?
Skye Jethani: The Wrong War on Christmas
How Christians went from opposing over-consumption at Christmas to demanding it be done in Christ's name alone.
Exorcise Wall Street
Can spiritual bondage apply to social institutions as well as people?
The Evangelical Industrial Complex & the Rise of Celebrity Pastors (Pt. 1)
Behind the rise of today's pastoral pantheon is a systemic economic force.
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