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When Ministry Is Unfair
A better question than “Why me?”
Ten Commandments of Conflict and Crisis
Keeping the inevitable from doing the irreparable.
Backhanded Compliments and Cold Shoulders
The inevitable effects of envy on our leadership
Be Undeniable: A Christian Alternative to Engaging In the Culture Wars
The world isn’t looking for someone to win the latest debate in the culture wars. They’re looking for an alternative to the whole mess.
Bravely Live Out Your Calling
Joan of Arc is a prophetic witness for us all.
How to Get People to Respect Your Leadership
Start by making a believer of yourself.
The Truth About Sexism in the Church
And how to keep it from breaking you down.
A Pastoral Lament
In the wake of last week’s killings, do we rationalize or weep?
Five Ways to Respond to Mansplaining
You’ve been invited to the table for a reason, and your team needs to hear what you have to say.
How to Minister to People Who Don’t Like You
Eight tips to love the hard-to-love.
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