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My Church Stinks!
What if church size wasn't the primary – often the only – measure of church health? How many pastors would still say “my church stinks" then?
Does Saying 'It's Okay to Be Small' Give Churches an Excuse to Settle for Less?
Every church should be actively participating in kingdom growth. But kingdom growth doesn't mean every church will keep getting bigger.
Why I've Stopped Saying ‘Church Growth’ – And What I Say Instead
The words Church Growth are packed with so much emotional baggage that they’ve become virtually useless in my context.
3 Assumptions & 5 Realities About Why So Many Churches are Small
Even with the arrival of megachurches, small churches are the primary way people choose to worship Jesus.
Does Jesus Want Every Church to Be a Big Church?
Let’s stop arguing about which church size is best, and start seeing what’s best about each size.
Is Church Growth a Solution Looking for a Problem?
The apostles addressed a broad range of church issues, but no New Testament writer ever told a church to get bigger.
Inside the Church Building of 2017
What's hot, what's next, and what needs to die.
3 Ways Some Churches Grow Without Getting Bigger
Butts-in-the-seats growth is great. But it’s not going to happen for every church. That's never a reason to give up, coast along, or offer excuses.
6 Markers of Especially Welcoming Churches
Insights from a church secret shopper.
The Folly of Trying to Measure Success In Christ’s 'First Shall Be Last' Kingdom
We need to measure what we can manage, but let’s not fall into the trap of thinking we have more control than we do.
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