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Children's Ministry: Issues Preteens Face
Help preteens develop a solid sense of self and a strong, resilient faith that will weather the coming storms of the teenage years.
Ministering to Children of Divorce
Start an effective ministry to children with divorced or separated parents.
Adapting to Different Learning Styles
Teach to the various ways in which children and adults learn.
Vacation Bible School
Summertime means it's time for vacation Bible school. This training tool can help answer your VBS questions.
Children's Ministry: Children's Curriculum: Trust Me!
Why we can always count on God ... no matter what.
Children's Ministry: Sensitivity to Children from Non-Christian Homes
What are you doing to minister specifically to children from non-Christian homes? This downloadable resource will help you begin to think about how you can be sensitive to children from non-Christian homes.
Children's Ministry: Creating Life-Changing Mission Experiences for Kids
Whether it's international, national, or "the mission next door," this download will provide practical and effective ideas that can influence children and their parents today—and for years to come.
Urgent Care: Death of a Child
Use this Urgent Care tool to learn what to say and what not to say, and to catch a glimpse of what parents experience when they lose a child.
'What's Wrong with a Hug?'
When a child in our church complained about an adult volunteer's physical affection, we faced a difficult decision.
Yes, Your Kids Can Enjoy Santa While Honoring Jesus
Here are four simple steps and one ‘magic’ word that can help keep Jesus and Santa rightly prioritized in your family’s Christmas celebration.
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