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Our Top 5 Resources for Leading through Change
The best training tools to prepare for and manage transitions within your church.
Your First 100 Days at a New Church
When you start with a new congregation, prioritize these four things.
3 Surprising Misunderstandings About Church Turnarounds
What one person means by church turnaround might be completely different from what another person means.
The 4 Most Overlooked Realities of a Healthy Church Turnaround
Many pastors say “I want this church to turn around”, when what we really mean is “I want this church to get bigger.” Those are two different goals.
Expanding the Sweet Spot for a Healthy Church Turnaround
Knowing and expanding the zone where the hearts of the pastor and congregation meet up with God's heart is essential for a successful church turnaround.
How to Be an Innovator Without Being an Imitator
Innovative leadership should constantly drive us to communicate eternal truths in fresh, new ways.
Losing the Weight of New Year’s Resolutions
This year, I’m letting God write my resolutions.
Your Struggling Church Can Turn Around Today – But Greatness Takes Time
If you’re pastoring a church that has or is turning around, here's some great news - and possibly your greatest challenge.
Introducing Lent to Your Congregation
It starts with your example.
Leaving Your Church the Right Way
The application and hiring process is awkward—so awkward—when you love your current congregation.
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