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Interpreting Cultural "Texts"
It's critical to exegete your culture and not just the Bible.
... As I Follow Christ
Pastoral insights after a year of living like Jesus.
Herod the Great; Jesus the Fit (part 1)
Visiting Israel changed my view of two people I thought I knew.
Herod the Great; Jesus the Fit (part 2)
While one left behind impressive buildings, the other demonstrated a fitness that is mysteriously transferable.
Tell the Redemptive Story
Help children discover their place in both the joyful and painful parts of the biblical narrative.
Leading a Church in Prayer ...
... deserves thoughtful preparation.
Five Kinds of Deep Preaching
What people really mean when they ask for "deeper" sermons.
How Can Anyone Think God Is Like That?
Sometimes the most profound theological rebuttal is "Oh, Baloney!"
"By Heart"
Many of us lead children and give them memory verses to learn. But do we practice what we preach?
What Kind of Mother Was Mary?
Jesus bears a distinct resemblance to his mom.
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