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A Scary Kind of Love
Why fully devoted followers can be really threatening.
Nothing Beats Bible Reflection
Willow Creek's REVEAL study shows the importance of Scripture for growth.
Contemporizing the Moment
I love the idea of making a Bible story accessible to kids, helping them to see themselves in the characters.
Tips for Life Application and Bible Verse Memory
One of the main goals in children's ministry is to bring the Bible, God's Word, into the lives of children.
All About The Big Step
Our children's ministry periodically offers a class for parents and kids to attend together called "The Big Step." This 90-minute event features a brief training session for parents, a salvation lesson, discussion time for kids and parents, and even a photo station to create a take-home piece to remember the evening.
Got Relevancy?
An ideal amount of relevancy will connect the message of a passage with life today—while preserving the original meaning.
A Personal Approach
Many children's ministries answer that question with clear and relevant lessons, accompanied by creative Bible teaching.
Having Ears, Do You Not Hear?
Ancient practices help us stop merely studying the Bible, and start listening to it.
I Embraced the Blended Worship Balancing Act
Biblical worship combines tradition and innovation, planning and spontaneity.
Five Questions That Kill Discussion
Fostering conversation vital for every small group.
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