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Do We Follow Sound Employment Practices?
A 12-question checklist to find out.
Is Your Data Left Unguarded?
Keep your church records and data safe with the right precautions and software.
The Top 6 Church Management Conferences for 2021
These events focus on key legal, finance updates for church leaders nationwide.
Getting Meetings Right
Online or in-person, understand what churches need to know to conduct legally sound meetings.
Cybersecurity: What Churches Need to Know
Church security is now more than remembering to lock the doors.
2022 Church Law & Tax Webinars
Missed a webinar? Now you can view it on-demand.
How Various Political Activities Might Affect Tax-Exempt Status
A helpful chart weighing what’s permitted and what’s prohibited for churches, based on IRS guidance.
Free Webinar: Finishing 2022 Well
Reduce end-of-year stress and enter 2023 with confidence.
Learn More about Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Your Church
Matthew Branaugh interviews attorney and Church Law & Tax advisor Theresa Sidebotham about her firm's Telios Teaches program.
A Pair of Noteworthy Supreme Court Decisions For Church Leaders
A pair of Supreme Court decisions are noteworthy for church leaders and bivocational pastors.
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