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Bottom-Line Training: Paying Back Bankruptcy Debt
Is our pastor legally able to pay back his consumer debt after he has filled for bankruptcy?
Bottom-Line Training: Selecting an Attorney or CPA
How should a church quickly find an attorney when the insurance company won't cover a lawsuit?
Ask Richard
How do we report a part-time pastor's income if he asks for his entire salary as a housing allowance?
Ask Richard
Can a church board meet without inviting the pastor?
Ask Richard
If we dismiss an employee, how much severance should we consider giving?
Copyright Law and Church Conferences
Computer Privacy at Church
What employees need to know before logging on.
You Be The Judge
Does my church need a tax exemption number?
You Be The Judge: Political Activities by Churches
How involved can churches get in the political races?
Contract Liability
Is a pastor personally liable for contracts signed on the church's behalf?
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