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Measuring Up
How I learned I didn't need to worry about measuring up
Angels of the Night
A Chicago street ministry reaches out to male prostitutes working the street.
Sort of Mellowing
After 25 years, Bill Hybels is less driven and intense, but still in love with the job
Facing Failure
You may be surprised at what you find!
Full-Color Faith
How Sandra Scott's passion for quilting helped her weather cancer—and celebrate the beauty of God's creation.
Same-Sex Unions: United Methodist Pastor Suspended Indefinitely
Law:Do Computers Cross the Church-State Divide?
The Supreme Court examines federal aid to private schools.
The Right to Rent
Can homosexuals and atheists be barred from church camps?
Community Is Their Middle Name
As Willow Creek Community Church turns 25, it is bigger than ever, drawing 17,000 a weekend. But what really makes Willow tick is what comes after the seeker services.
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